Michael C. Barnes, Special Issue Editor, Legal, Legislative, and Regulatory Approaches to Reducing Opioid Use Disorder and Opioid-Involved Poisonings, 19 J. Opioid Manag. 7 (2023). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., Demanding Better: A Case for Increased Funding and Involvement of State Medical Boards in Response to America’s Drug Abuse Crisis, 106(3) J. Med. Reg. 6 (2020). |
Michael C. Barnes & Angie Drakulich, Revisiting Documentation,, Practical Pain Management (2019). |
Michael C. Barnes, I’m Not a Doctor, But I Play One in D.C.: Federal Action and Its Impact on Pain Care, PAINWeek Journal 34 (2019). |
Michael C. Barnes, A More Sensible Surge: Ending DOJ’s Indiscriminate Raids of Healthcare Providers, 8.1 LEGIS. & POL’Y BRIEF 7 (2019). |
Michael C. Barnes & Daniel C. McClughen, Warm Handoffs: The Duty of and Legal Issues Surrounding Emergency Departments in Reducing the Risk of Subsequent Drug Overdoses, U. Mem. L. Rev. 1100 (2019). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., Potential Impact of Texas et al v United States on Persons with Substance Use Disorder, ABA Health eSource (Oct. 2018). |
Michael C. Barnes, Diligence and Documentation: Managing the Risks of Prescribing Controlled Substances, PAINWeek Journal Vol. 5, Q2 52 (2017). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., What’s in a Number? Recommending Practicality in the DATA 2000 Patient Limits, 12 J. Opioid Manag. 243 (2016). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., A Call for Differential Diagnosis of Non-Specific Low Back Pain to Reduce Opioid Abuse, 101 J. Med. Reg. 39 (2015). |
Michael C. Barnes & Stacey L. Worthy, Evaluating Motives: Two Simple Tests to Identify and Avoid Entanglement in Legally Dubious Urine Drug Testing Schemes, 11 J. Opioid Manag. 89 (2015). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., Abuse-Deterrent Formulations: Transitioning the Pharmaceutical Market to Improve Public Health and Safety, Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety (2015). |
Michael C. Barnes & Stacey L. Worthy, Achieving Real Parity: Increasing Access to Treatment for Substance Use Disorders Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. (2015). |
Michael C. Barnes & Stacey L. Sklaver, Applying Lessons from the Opioid Abuse Epidemic to Protect Consumers from Gray Market Biologics, Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol’y (2015). |
Michael C. Barnes & Stacey L. Sklaver, Active Verification and Vigilance: A Method To Avoid Civil and Criminal Liability When Prescribing Controlled Substances, DEPAUL. J. HEALTH CARE L. (2013). |
Michael C. Barnes & Gretchen Arndt, The Best of Both Worlds: Applying Federal Commerce and State Police Powers To Reduce Prescription Drug Abuse. MD. J. HEALTH CARE L. & POL’Y (2013). |
Michael C. Barnes, et al., A Vital Balancing Act: Multi-Sector Approaches to Preventing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States while Ensuring Adequate Patient Access to Medications, J. GLOBAL DRUG POL’Y & PRAC. (2009). |